It's high time you stop doing more and burning out in life and actually unearth easier ways to live your dream life.

The life you desire is on the other side of all that you have learnt and been until today. Clearly, you are here because you want to get to the other side!


You have been a learner all your life, wishing, hoping, and striving for the final goal post to be reached years ago..but you haven't! You still have miles to go before you take that first big break in your life, the dream vacation, the dream home, the dream clothes, the dream education, all of it, feels close yet so damn far. 

You are a top performer at work, you do all that it takes to be an amazing partner, you do all that it is to have an amazing home, the countless hours of sweat and toil, yet you still see your goal post moving beyond, and its a repetitive pattern. You meditate, you go quiet, you are mindful, yet you lose your shit every single time with the relationships that matter, your children, your reactions are volatile, you aren't able to express yourself freely enough, you feel controlled by someone all the time! - you probably think you need to calm down further. 

Well, the secret sauce is not in any other course but deep within your own self. It's great to believe time is eternal, however, you know - you don't live forever. My life in this birth will come to an end, and so will yours! How much longer are you willing to wait before you actually get out of the constant doing and the staying stuck in your shit?

Imagine creating a life where you are the front and centre of your life.

A life where you don’t have to do more than you already do, you experience and embrace a completely different approach to recreate a life, you start seeing what true high performance looks like and it isn’t about winning the rat race, you stop making every problem about you, you are confident, happy, rich, peaceful and you embrace sadness, grief, loss, failure, fights, anger with grace.

This is not just wishful thinking. This is possible. All my clients experience this and I am glad you’re here to invest in your transformation. The hardest journey for you to embrace is that YOUR LIFE IS ONLY ABOUT YOU! Given you have navigated to my page, gone through all the content, and have landed here, I am confident you are ready to ‘Do the Work’ - however uncomfortable it sounds.

The Jewel Container - Collective

I will support you in The Jewel Container - Collective where powerful, motivated, and dedicated humans like you will go through group coaching, hypnosis to shift the needle from where you are to where you want to Be.

How exactly does The Jewel Container - Collective Work?

You will be a part of a group of like minded individuals. You will have lifetime access to byte sized, impactful videos that introduce / enrich you on the critical aspects of our time together. To ensure you derive the fullest benefit of the course, the engagement and the community, you are expected to finish any homework assigned to you. You also earn access to bonus videos, health and healing content.  You will also be a part of a completely non-judgemental and supportive community, and you stand to benefit from the social learning experience. Remember - What's most personal is most general!

The Jewel Container -  Collective opens for registration in May 2024.

In the past, my clients have experienced transformation in multiple areas, including:

  • Self trust
  • Self esteem
  • Overwhelm
  • Victim Mentality
  • People pleasing 
  • Identifying toxic relationships
  • Releasing relationships that aren’t of relevance
  • Guilt 
  • Health 
  • Doing too much
  • Prioritizing tasks
  • Body image issues
  • Staying committed 
  • Releasing worry about money, future, etc

Reflective questions to deepen your self-awareness

  • Are you hiding?
  • Are you always tired and sleepy?
  • Do you feel you do not belong on the planet?
  • Is your life driven by a checklist of to-do items?
  • Do you always prioritize others' needs over yours?
  • Are you constantly pleasing others so your life is easy?
  • Do you blame yourself for where you have or haven't landed in your life?
  • Are you an angry person? (Ignore if you have a serious medical condition.)
  • Are you struggling with the same health conditions surfacing repetitively?
  • Are you addicted to overeating, night eating, over-exercising, bingeing…?
  • Do you struggle with others' opinions of what your life is or should look like?
  • You have been acclaimed smart all your life.
  • Do you think about what mom would think when you are taking specific actions in your life?
  • Your next career level only means a few more certifications and a few extra hours at work.
  • Do you feel guilty taking long holidays from work because you are scared of losing opportunities for your promotion?
  • Have you always solved all your problems and life situations by overthinking but suddenly feel inadequate and stuck?
  • Do you not know why you arrived in the universe and are willing to invest in knowing what your purpose is?
  • Do you see energy-draining patterns repeating themselves in your life - at home, at work, with your health, with money?
  • Do you have a problem with your ability to attract the kind of wealth/money you want?
  • Do you stay in a marriage because you have kids and aren't particularly happy with it?

If you catch yourself saying 'Yes' to one or more of the above questions, you certainly need to be a part of this transformation because you are stuck - stuck in low self-esteem, low self-confidence, stories that keep you a victim... the list is endless. 

"Taking a stand, I've decided to step away from folks who hurt me before."

I've got this amazing feeling in my heart, and it's totally rubbing off on the people around me. I can now spot the negativity in others' talk and thoughts that used to affect me. Taking a stand, I've decided to step away from folks who hurt me before. As I try to be more loving, it's like I'm finding this cozy sweet spot in my relationship with the Universe.
 – Vasumathi Ganesan

Doors to group coaching program open in May 2024! 

Join the waitlist, and I'll notify you when the registrations open.